Monday, October 01, 2007

Splashing in Kiddie Pool, 1960

Here’s another drawing that may have been abandoned by a young artist who saw no future in continuing on with it, no eventual reward worth putting in any more work. I think this is a kid splashing in a kiddie pool. I had a kiddie pool in the back yard in Virginia & one in the front yard in Venezuela. I think those were good times - in the kiddie pool at least. I like being in water. I am more relaxed & happy when I’m in water.

Three Men & Water Buckets, 1960
This predates the “Gatorade shower” it resembles by a couple of decades. This may just be a childs’s impression of a random collaborative human engineering solution in the third world.

Angry at Snowman, 1960

The image provides no real evidence validating my use of the work “Anger” in the title I’ve given it. I’ve given it that title nonetheless, for reasons which will remain private.
