Saturday, December 01, 2007

Scott MacLeod Drawings 1960-1962: Part 9: Something Like Paradise?

Good Morning Birds, 1962

This will be the last North Oakland Temporary Museum exhibit for awhile. These exhibits take more work than you might realize. Curatorial staff (me) is burned out. Everything I originally wanted to show has been shown & can still be seen by scrolling to the bottom of this page & clicking the links to past shows. I'm sure that I'll find other things I want to show, and in fact there are some new things available to me, but I just don't have the time right now. This is, after all, a "Temporary" museum.

I saved this show for last because it is a sweet show & I wanted to leave you all with good feelings. In many ways these drawings represent the world I thought I was going to grow up into, while October's "Existential & Familial" show was more about the world I did grow up into. Without insinuating any regrets, I did want to reverse these last two shows & present the expectations after the realities. I don't think I need to explain myself beyond that.
